while using our services , you trust us for your information. We try our best to protect your information.
This privacy policy page will help you understand :
- How we collect your information
- why we collect your information
The following are the methods we use to collect your data:
When you visit our website https://nettingstore.co.uk , we use sessions to get the information such as the pages, products you visited, and the products you added to the cart. We store your information for very short time. These sessions of users are destroyed after some time. The sole purpose of this is to know what products of us are popular among users. We use the sessions data to improve our services.
We also use cookies to gather information about the user’s IP address. The cookies are small files with user information stored on the user computer. Browsers have the option to enable or disable cookies. If you want to disable cookies you can go into your browser settings to disable them. The cookies are used by us to know that from which city or county our website is getting the most traffic.
During checkout
We collect your information such as name, email address, phone, and address. The information we collect during checkout is to used to deliver the items to you. We use the email to send the confirmation of the order, the phone number is used in case there are any Errors in the delivery address. The data we collect during checkout is automatically deleted after 60 days.
Phone call
Sometimes customers place an order via phone call, we ask for the details stated above to deliver the order. This data is also deleted after 60 days from our systems.
Google Analytics
Our website is linked with google analytics which is used to analyze the traffic details such as popular pages and bounce rate etc to improve user experience.
Information disclosure
We don’t disclose your information to anyone accept the Government agencies if they approach us to confirm our income, and that we are a legitimate company. We also disclose the data to Government agencies for tax matters if they approach us.
Data Protection
The data you provide us is protected using end to end encryption. We use different algorithms to encrypt the data and then save it to our systems. The data is encrypted form can’t be accessed by irrelevant persons, only authorized persons can view the data and process the order.
Verification of data
To deliver the items to the correct address, if there are any spelling mistakes in detail, we verify your data using a phone call to you or email.